



永利yl8886官网 副教授



个人简介 :





主讲课程 :



研究领域 :





    1.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing). International Economics, second edition. Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2007.

    2.Wu Xiaodong (Editor in chief) Technique Analysis of Securities Investment,second edition .Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2006.

    3.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing).The Contemporary Capitalist Eonomy.Beijing: The People’s Press, 2006.

    4.Wu Xiaodong (Vice-editor). The Private Economy Statistics of Sichuan Province. Chengdu: The bureau of Sichuan Statitstics,2006.

    5.Wu Xiaodong (Editor in chief) International Investment .Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2005.

    6.Wu Xiaodong (Work) Economic analysis of endowment insurance in China’s rural area .Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2005.

    7.Wu Xiaodong (Editor in chief) Technique analysis of securities investment .Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2004.

    8.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing). Population Economics. Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2004.

    9.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing). The Theory of Socialism Market Economy. Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2004.

    10.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing). Political Economics. Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2003.

    11.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing). International economics. Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2002.

    12.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing).Political Economics. Chengdu: SWUFE Press,10/2000.

    13.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing). Business In Internet. Chengdu: SWUFE Press,2000.

    14.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing). Financial Network. Chengdu: SWUFE Press,1999.

    15.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing). Stock market introduction. Beijing: The financial publishing Press of China. 1/1998.

    16.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing). Political economy. Chengdu: Sichuan University press,1998.

    17.Wu Xiaodong (Vice-editor). The theory of Money and Bank. Chengdu: SWUFE Press,1997.

    18.Wu Xiaodong (Participate in Writing). Futures. Chengdu: Sichuan Press,1993.

2. Articles

1.Others and Wu Xiaodong. Reconstruct of Network Era Payment System.Financial Times,2007.

2.Wu Xiaodong. The Chinese-Alliance in East Asia nation free trade area is Good For the Collectivizing of East Asia. Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2007.

3.Wu Xiaodong, and Others. Dwelling Condition of City and Rural Residents in Sichuan Province. The Fact of Sichuan Province,2007.

4.Wu Xiaodong, and Liu chuan chu.Midway System Arrangement For the Development of China City and Rural.Village and Town Economics.2007.

5.Wu Xiaodong, and Others. Energy Sources and Sichuan Economy’s Growing.The Fact of Sichuan Province,2006.

6.Wu Xiaodong, and Others.Trading Relationship Between China and America in the early of 21 Century. Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2005.

7.Wu Xiaodong. Sutra Author’s Theory in International Direct Invest.The Publication of Sichuan Administration Institute,2005.

8.Wu Xiaodong. Floating Rate’s Institutional Set Up Under the View of System Variance. Finance and Economics Science,2004.

9.Wu Xiaodong.The Puzzledom and Way of Rural Supply in Provide for the Aged in China.Social Science Study,2004.

10.Wu Xiaodong. Analyses of Nature and Quantity of InternatioanalValue. Chengdu: SWUFE Press, 2004.

11.Wu Xiaodong. The Chinese-Alliance in East Asia nation free trade area is the bridge of Cooperation in East Asia. Journal of Sichuan administration college. Mar.2003.

12.Wu Xiaodong.and others. Economic background is the basic precondition of the insurance for the old forks. Northwest population.oct.2002.

13.Wu Xiaodong. The nation background of China’s insurance for aged. Economist, 1/2002.

14.Tang Guoqun and Wu Xiaodong. Development of western region and business enterprise information Management creative. New Theories of Tian fu. 3/2001

15.Wu Xiaodong. Promoting the west to establish a good System while Affiliation WTO. Hot point of problem quest about western region’s development. Chengdu: SWUFE Press,2001.

16.Wu Xiaodong,and others. Method of creative for executive encourage over a long period of time---Stock option. Construction bank Newspaper. 12/1/2001.

17.Wu Xiaodong. A few problem concerning the developmemt of western region. College journal of Jiangxi officers and workers' university. 1/2001.

18.Wu Xiaodong. Fund of endowment insurance's present condition and exit Theories and fulfillment of the economy increases under open economy of china. Chengdu: SWUFE Press,2000.

19.Wu Xiaodong,Gu Wen-Jun and Yu Yao. Survey of some Fundamental Problem of Financial network. Journal of Chengdu Institute of Meteorology.Jan.2000.

20.Wu Xiaodong and others. It is Imperative to keep the Financial Network Safe, Teaching and study in Financial.No.4.1999.

21.Wu Xiaodong, and others. Competition, risk and Market Subject, Western Financial Paper 08/01/1999.

22.Cheng Jiang Long Wu Xiaodong. The role of Government in the Marketing economy. Economy Information.19/11/1992.

23.Wu Xiaodong. Engender and develop of Financial Future. Merchant Paper of the World.19/9/1993.
