

王帝(Di Wang)



办公室:格致楼 (Gezhi Building) 1002

通讯地址:四川成都温江柳台大道555号永利yl8886官网 611130

工作经历(Professional Experience)




Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Finance


Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Exchange program;


Masters degree: University of Nottingham, Behavioral Economics


PhD: University of Nottingham, Behavioral Economics

博士论文题目(PhD dissertation):“Essays in Decision-Making under Uncertainty”;

研究领域和兴趣(Research Interests)

我的研究主要关于行为经济学中的一个重要话题:人在面临不确定性时的行为决策规律(Individual decision-making under uncertainty),主要涉及到实验经济学的研究方法;同时我感兴趣的研究领域包括这些规律在经济学和金融学中的应用,以及行为经济学中的集体行为和人们的社会行为规律。

I am primarily interested in an important topic of behavioral economics: individual decision-making under uncertainty. Besides, I am also interested in other aspects of individual behaviors and collective/social behaviors, and the implications of these behavioral regularities on markets and policies.

工作论文 (Working Paper)

1. Probability weighting functions differ for choice tasks and valuation tasks;

2. A descriptive attention-based utility theory for choice under risk;

3. An experimental study of outcome-sensitive decision weighting;

4. Endowment effect in risky decision-making;

会议报告(Conference Presentations)

1. “A Simple method to measure probability weighting functions and its experimental implementation”, CREED-CeDEx-CBESS (CCC) Annual Meeting, University of East Anglia, UK, 2015.

2. “Why people have non-linear probability weighting function: An alternative theory of choice under risk”, CCC Annual Meeting, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2016.

3. “Why people have non-linear probability weighting function: An alternative theory of choice under risk”, The Economic Science Association (ESA) World Meeting, University of Jerusalem, Israel, 2016.

4. “An experimental study on outcome-sensitive decision weighting”, CCC Annual Meeting, University of Nottingham, UK, 2017.
