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主题:Improving Equality in China’s College Admissions:Estimation and Policy Interventions提升大学录取的平等性:经验估计与政策干预

主讲人:清华大学经济管理学院 钟笑寒教授

主持人:永利yl8886官网 邹红教授

时间:5月5日 15:00-17:00


主办单位:永利yl8886官网 科研处


钟笑寒,清华大学经济管理学院经济系教授。研究领域聚焦匹配机制的理论与实证研究,并涉及劳动经济学、发展经济学、教育经济学、政治经济学和应用微观经济学等广泛领域。论文发表在Journal of Econometrics、Games and Economic Behavior、Experimental Economics、《中国社会科学》、《经济学季刊》、《世界经济》、《经济学报》、《数量经济技术经济研究》、《统计研究》、《中国工业经济》等国内外学术期刊。学术著作包括《中国农民故事》、《文物保护与旅游业发展》。讲授经济学原理、博弈论等课程。国家级教学奖获得者、国家级精品课主讲教师。现任学院党委副书记,清华大学中国经济研究中心主任。


A goal of the college admissions mechanism is to match high-ability students with high-quality colleges. In reality, however, the matching results often deviate from the meritocracy principle. We examine the extent of and reasons and policy remedies for this imperfect assortative matching in the context of the Chinese College Entrance Examination. Using nationally representative micro-level data from China, we find that with test scores held fixed, students with better socioeconomic conditions and who come from certain provinces end up in better colleges. We examine two forces driving this pattern: students’ heterogeneous preferences for colleges and the uneven distribution of provincial admissions quotas. We estimate a model of student–college matching to quantify the relative importance of the two mechanisms. Our results show that the current imperfect assortative matching is driven mainly by the uneven quota distributions rather than by the heterogeneity in student preferences. Counterfactual simulation suggests that consolidating quotas into a national market would greatly improve the assortative matching level, average expected wage after graduation, and student surplus.

